Modern Trends in Science: Scientometrics


Dr. Shushanik Sargsyan
Shushanik Sargsyan is a head of the Centre for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. She is also an Associate Professor at Yerevan State Medical University since 2002. Dr. Shushanik Sargsyan is an editor in chief of the journal Science Studies and a reviewer in some international journals. Her research interests are Science Studies, particularly Scientometrics and Science Policy. She has authored and co-authored a manual and dozens of scientific papers published in domestic and international journals and conference proceedings.


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Glänzel
Wolfgang Glänzel is at KU Leuven since 2002. He is Director of Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) of the Flemish government and Professor at KU Leuven. He is also affiliated with the Department of Science Policy & Scientometrics at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest (Hungary). Wolfgang Glänzel is skilled mathematician. He holds a doctorate in mathematics from the Eötvös University in Budapest (1984) and a PhD in Science Studies from Leiden University (1997). Wolfgang Glänzel worked at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences between 1980 and 2001. Wolfgang Glänzel is Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He was awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal "for outstanding contributions to quantitative studies of science" in 1999. He is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Scientometrics since 2014. In the same year he has been selected as a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Social Sciences, general(http://highlycited.com).


Domenico Augusto Maisano
Domenico Augusto Maisano is an Associate Professor of "Quality Engineering" and "Quality Management Systems" at the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy, Department of Management and Production Engineering. He is also a member of A.I.Te.M. (Italian Association of Technology and Mechanics). Dr. Maisano is among the editorial board of the Quality Engineering journal, and a reviewer in many international journals. His research interests are Scientometrics, Quality Engineering/Management, Large Volume Metrology and Performance Indicators. He has co-authored 4 monographs and more than 100 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings, as well as two patent applications.


Dr. Victor Gluxov
Victor Gluxov is a deputy-director of the Russian Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary). He was one of the developers of the Scientific Electronic Library and the Russian Citation Index (RSCI). He is an author of dozens of publications in scientific journals and collections.


Victor Blaginin
Victor Blaginin, Ural State University 
of Economics,Director of the Center on Scientometrics and Ranking Researches. Victor Blaginin is an author of more than 100 scientific publications also in the journals indexed in WOS and Scopus.
Professional interests - scientometrics, research fields, assessment of scientific journals, etc.
He has hold a number of scientific grands and was an awarded of the RF Presidential Grant.


Dr. Armen Gasparyan
Armen Gasparyan is an Associate Professor of Medicine since 2006. 
He is Honorary Professor at Shymkent State Pharmaceutical Academy (title awarded in 2017), Visiting Professor at the Kazakh National Medical University (2011-2015), Shymkent State Pharmaceutical Academy (since 2014), Samara State University (2014), Dagestan State University (2015) and Semey State Medical University (2016).

His main research interests relate to familial Mediterranean fever, rheumatoid arthritis, platelet function, research methodology and publication ethics.
Publication record includes more than 70 MEDLINE-indexed papers on platelets in inflammation, autoinflammatory disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and science editing.


Dr.Edita Gzoyan
Edita Gzoyan is a deputy-head of the Centre for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. She is also a senior researcher at the Armenian genocide Museum-Institute since 2012. Dr. Edita Gzoyan is a co-editor in the international peer-reviewed journal Central and Eastern European Review. Her research interests are Science Studies and genocide studies. Dr. Gzoyan is an author of a book. She has authored and co-authored dozens of scientific papers.


Dr Alexan Shahkhatuni
Alexan Shahkhatuni is a scientific adviser of the Centre for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. He is also a senior researcher at the Molecule Structure Research Center of the Scientific Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. In 2008-2016 he was a head of the Division for Organizing Scientific Expertise-of the Department for Organizing Scientific Activity of the State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.


Pavel Kasyanov
Pavel Kasyanov is an expert in bibliometrics at the company Clarivate Analytics since 2009. He is engaged in bibliometric research based on the databases of the Web of Science Core Collection and use of such analytical tools as InCites and Journal Citation Reports. He is also involved in the popularization of scientometrics in Russia and other Post-Soviet states. He also operates a thematic blog http://pavel-kasyanov.blogspot.com


Dr. Margarita Sidorova
Margarita Sidorova is a manager on the works with key clients at the company Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters), where she is working for more than 6 years. During the last 3 years she is engaged in training the subscribers from Russia and CIS how to use the company's information-analytical resources, mainly Web of Science, InCites, Journal Citation Reports, Essential Science Indicators, also Endnote and ReseacherID. Parallel to seminars at the universities, she was actively conducted webinars, recorded training videos and participated in the creation of an online course on the development of the academic profession. Since March 2018 she is a responsible person for the cooperation with the scientific and state organizations of Russia, Armenia and Belarus.


Denis Kosyakov
Denis Kosyakov is a deputy director and scientific researcher at the State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS). His main research interests are scientometrics, webometrics, research assessment and evaluation, science policies and science communication. Current projects are related to studies on the impact of national science policies on the research output, scientific migration and mobility; analysis of science-related news media content for research evaluation..